Achieving optimal health is a continuous journey that involves maintaining a balanced diet, engaging in regular exercise, obtaining quality sleep, and managing stress. Despite our best efforts, unforeseen health issues can still arise. Early detection and risk minimization through Health Checkups are essential for staying ahead of potential health threats.


  1. Gauge your risk of falling ill.
  2. Promptly identify potentially life-threatening health conditions.
  3. Enhance your likelihood of timely treatment and even complete recovery.
  4. Monitor pre-existing health issues to prevent complications.
  5. Boost your longevity by making informed lifestyle improvements.
  6. Minimize overall healthcare expenses by avoiding expensive emergency treatments.
  7. Empower yourself to take an active role in your healthcare journey.


To ensure accurate results and a seamless experience, please follow these guidelines prior to your Health Checkup:

  • Get at least 6 hours of sleep the night before your appointment. Insufficient rest may lead to abnormal readings for blood pressure, heart rate, and body temperature, making it difficult for your doctor to identify genuine concerns.
  • Refrain from eating or drinking for 8-10 hours before your checkup. Water is an exception; staying hydrated is essential for accurate blood sugar and cholesterol test results.
  • Avoid consuming alcohol for a minimum of 24 hours before your appointment, as it may interfere with certain tests. Inform your doctor or nurse of any recent alcohol or drug use.
  • Abstain from ejaculation for at least 48 hours prior to your checkup. Sexual activity can temporarily increase PSA levels, potentially affecting test outcomes.
  • Cease vigorous exercise 24-48 hours before your appointment to prevent any impact on your checkup results.

When it comes to your health, knowledge is power. Understanding the inner workings of your body allows you to make informed decisions about your lifestyle and wellness journey. That’s why we offer comprehensive health check-up packages that cover not only the basics but also provide insights into your body’s hormonal balance. Meet our Health & Hormones Check-Up Packages: 

1. Basic Health & Hormones Check-Up Package

Our Basic Health & Hormones Check-Up Package offers an extensive range of tests to help you get a handle on your overall health status and hormonal balance. This package includes:

  • General Metabolic Panel: To monitor your body’s basic functions, we conduct tests such as Fasting Blood Sugar, Lipid Profile, Complete Blood Count, Liver Enzymes, and Kidney Function. These tests provide an overview of your body’s metabolism and how well your vital organs are functioning.
  • Electrolyte Test: Essential for understanding your body’s hydration, kidney function, and heart health.
  • Thyroid Hormone Test: These hormones regulate how your body uses energy, making them crucial for understanding your metabolism and detecting potential issues with your thyroid gland.
  • Sex Hormones Panel: Get a better understanding of your hormonal health with tests for key sex hormones like Testosterone, Estradiol, and Luteinizing Hormone (LH). These hormones play a vital role in everything from your mood and energy levels to reproductive health.
  • Urine Analysis: A simple yet informative test, it helps detect a wide range of disorders, such as urinary tract infections, kidney disease, and diabetes.


2. Advanced Health & Hormones Check-Up Package

For a more in-depth look at your health, our Advanced Health & Hormones Check-Up Package includes everything in the Basic Package plus additional tests for a thorough assessment:

  • Free Testosterone: While the Basic Package tests total testosterone, the Advanced Package includes a test for Free Testosterone – the unbound testosterone in your bloodstream that your body can readily use.
  • SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin): SHBG controls the amount of testosterone that your body tissues can use. High or low levels can significantly impact your health.
  • Prolactin: This hormone plays a crucial role in reproductive health, including sexual function and fertility.
  • Total Vitamin D Level: Essential for bone health, immune function, and overall well-being, this test measures your body’s Vitamin D status, crucial for maintaining optimal health.


3. Comprehensive Health & Hormones Check-Up Package

Our most thorough package, the Comprehensive Health & Hormones Check-Up Package, includes everything in the Advanced Package plus additional advanced tests for an all-encompassing health evaluation:

  • HbA1C: This test measures your average blood sugar levels over the past three months, providing insight into your long-term glucose control and helping in the diagnosis and monitoring of diabetes.
  • hs-CRP (High-sensitivity C-reactive Protein): This test measures the level of CRP in your blood, an indicator of inflammation in the body, which can be a marker for various health conditions, including cardiovascular disease.
  • Serum Cortisol: This test evaluates your body’s cortisol levels, the hormone responsible for stress response, metabolism, and immune function. Imbalances can lead to a variety of health issues.
  • DHEAs (Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate): This adrenal hormone is a precursor to other hormones like estrogen and testosterone. The test helps in assessing adrenal function and hormone balance.
  • IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor 1): An important marker for growth hormone activity, this test can provide insight into your body’s growth, development, and overall health.

Each of these packages is designed to give you a comprehensive understanding of your health and hormone levels, enabling our team at Transcend Clinic to provide personalized care and recommendations to optimize your well-being.