Introduction to Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT)

Welcome to the Transcend Clinic’s guide on Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT). This therapy is crucial for people who have undergone hormone or steroid treatments. The main goal of PCT is to help your body return to its normal state after these treatments. It’s like a reset button for your body’s hormones. In this article, we will explain what PCT is and why it’s important for your health, especially after certain medical treatments. Our aim is to provide clear and straightforward information so that you can understand this important part of your treatment journey.

What is Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT)?

Post-cycle therapy (PCT) is a specific regimen of pharmaceutical or nutritional supplements that are used following a cycle of hormone or steroid therapy. The primary goal of PCT is to restore the body’s natural hormonal balance and mitigate any side effects caused by the exogenous administration of hormones. This therapy is commonly associated with individuals who have undergone treatments involving anabolic steroids or other hormone modulators.


Why is PCT Important?

  • Hormonal Balance Restoration: Hormone therapies can significantly alter the body’s natural hormone production. PCT helps in normalizing these levels post-treatment, which is essential for the body’s long-term health and function.
  • Preventing Side Effects: Without PCT, individuals may experience prolonged side effects of hormone therapies, such as testosterone suppression, which can lead to issues like fatigue, weight gain, and decreased muscle mass.
  • Maintaining Gains: Particularly in the context of anabolic steroid use, PCT can help in maintaining the muscle mass and strength gains achieved during the cycle, by preventing a dramatic decline in testosterone levels.
  • Psychological Well-being: Hormonal imbalances can affect mental health. PCT assists in stabilizing mood and psychological well-being post-treatment.
  • Long-Term Health Benefits: PCT is crucial for minimizing potential long-term health risks associated with hormone therapies, such as cardiovascular issues and bone density loss.


At Transcend Clinic, under the guidance of our doctor, we emphasize the importance of a holistic approach to treatment. PCT is not just an adjunct to hormone therapy; it is an integral part of a patient’s journey toward optimal health and well-being. We encourage our patients to discuss their treatment plans, including PCT, with our medical professionals to ensure a safe and effective therapeutic experience.

For more information or to schedule a consultation, please contact Transcend Clinic. Your health and well-being are our top priorities.